p2185 honda accord 2008

P2185 is a trouble code, showing engine coolant temperature sensor 2 circuit is high 

2008 Honda Accord  coolant temperature sensor 

Click Here to read about coolant temperature sensor of toyota vehicles

when the ECU  of the vehicle is not receiving signal from the coolant sensor or the signal reaching the ECU is low, it'll set that code P2185 and pop up the check engine light. 

Symptoms of p2185

the only noticeable symptom is the check engine light, at times the engine may run on rich mixture, causing poor fuel economy.

Possible causes of p2185


  • sensor being removed
  • blocked or leaking thermostat
  • low coolant level 
  • air bubble in the cooling system
  • bad coolant temperature sensor

Possible solution of p2185

  • check the sensor location and make sure it's not being removed, especially when you replace the radiator. the brand new radiator don't usually come with the coolant temperature sensor but a drain plug. You need to replace the drain plug with the sensor before mounting the new radiator.  
  • make sure the thermostat is working fine
  • check and  fill up the coolant to the desired level
  • if the coolant temprature sensor is bad, replace it. 

Location of sensor 2

The location of the the coolant temperature sensor 2 is at the down part of the radiator by the left side. while the coolant sensor 1 is attached to the cylider head of the engine. the image below shows the location the of the sensor 2

coolant temperature sensor 2 location


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