How to solve code P0335 Hyundai Elantra 2013-2015

Hyundai 2013 model 

When the crankshaft position sensor of Hyundai vehicle is failing the ECU always displays code P0335 on its DTC.  Sometimes, this code can be displayed even if the sensor is not faulty, due to the reasons below:

·        When the battery is low and enough voltage is not reaching the sensor

·         When the timing plate is bent or cracked

·         When the timing of the engine is not correct

Until the above conditions are met, replacing the sensor might not solve the problem. It’s very important to cross check all the works you did on the engine, or to refer to repair history of the vehicle before going ahead to replace the sensor to avoid wasting money replacing parts that are not faulty.

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Code P0335 will set when cra

nkshaft position sensor is rendered inactive, or when the sensor is faulty. When the sensor is rendered inactive,  check the following to pinpoint the problem:

1.       Double check the engine valve timing, especially  when your works on the engine involves altering the timing

2.       Check to see that you did not exchange the socket of crankshaft sensor with the knock sensor. The two sockets have the same designs but different power output. The power to the knock sensor is lower than that of crankshaft sensor, so exchanging the socket will lower the voltage on the CKP sensor . This will usually happens when you’re reassembling the engine.

3.       Check to see that the timing plate of the crankshaft is not pressed or bent in anyway. This usually happens when the crankshaft fell on the plate, take a careful inspection on the plate to see that it’s not cracked or bent in anyway. If this happens, code P0335 will be set on the vehicle and the engine will not rev up, even if it managed to start.

When the sensor is faulty, the following symptoms will surface:

1.       Check engine light will be displayed on the dashboard

2.       Sluggish or hard acceleration

3.       Intermittent power failure on acceleration

4.       Low idle rpm

If you’re observing this even while you did no repair work on the vehicle recently, and the scanning brought out the code P0335, kindly replace the sensor. This will permanently solve the problem and your engine will come back to life again.

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